Art Forms Biennale


Project description:

Art Forms Biennale is a platform for meeting of various artistic forms, e.g. sculpture, painting, installation, photography, film, music, dance, theatre, architecture …

The venue of 2nd Art Forms Biennale is Ekotechnické museum in Prague-Bubeneč. The space itself is a “work of art“. It is the architecture of passed times which inspires and influences us at present. The Ekotechnické museum space is an integral part of artistic works exposed there, or designed for it or created at its premises.

Each of the authors has a personal dialogue with the space. This place become a resonating junction where all visual art forms meet.

We know that the forms existing individually interact, inspire each other and overlap. It is the Biennale which give the artists a chance to present the overlaps. An onlooker can follow the development of ongoing dialogue of individual works and become aware of the existence of the overlaps.

Onlooker understands the significance of the works as solitaires and at the same time is aware of importance of their relationships.

Goal of event:

  1. Facilitate meeting of artists – authors who do not meet under normal circumstances – and their artistic dialogue.
  2. Present Ekotechnické museum in new context.
  3. Organize a new inspirational event in Prague 6, which will bring another, new target group of visitors.

Benefits of the event:

  1. the event will bring a valuable cultural event to Prague 6 district
  2. the event will introduce Ekotechnické museum in a new context and it will show further new possibilities for its use
  3. the event will inform visitors in an interesting way, it will inspire and educate in the areas they are not normally in contact with, it will give them a quality cultural experience
  4. the event will become a rewarding destination of school excursions and educational programmes
  5. the event will link the art forms and it will make the authors' co-operation possible. It will become a springboard for new artworks.
  6. Biennale is a kind of laboratory where new links, meaning, relationships are created… This artistic “agitation” is necessary for moving forward.

Course of the event:

Art Forms Biennale will be held from 7th to 17th April 2010 at the premises of Ekotechnické museum.

The following is on programme:

  • vernisage of exhibited works (authors …)
  • author dance performance by Jan Kodet (live music)
  • fashion show
  • directorial evening and author reading
  • Ecotechnické museum tour with commentary
  • sculpture project created expecially for the exterior of Ekotechnické museum
  • interviews with authors
  • foreign guests are invited to the Biennale

Work of several generations will blend:
– students aged up to 25
– middle generation artists (25-55 years)
– authors “our professors“ (55-85 years)

The Biennale will be actively promoted at Czech art schools. Its aim is to give the next generation of artists a possibility of author work from various areas and their interaction and confrontation. At the same time, the Biennale gives spaces for meeting of teachers of these schools and for exchanging experience through assessment of the exhibited works.

Participation of foreign guests in the Biennale will promote a dialogue not only in local but also in international scale.